The Configuration Of The Wing - Part(1)


Actually the arrangement of  lifting and  related surfaces is known as the wing configuration. It is related to the fixed-wing  aircraft including  gliders and the powered aeroplanes. Many aircraft designs are related to the wing configuration and the Supermarine Spitfire is a conventional low wing cantilever  monoplane of straight elliptical planform. 
Many aircraft may be described either as  cropped  compound deltas  with swept trailing edge. Most fixed-wing aircraft have  left hand and right hand wings in a symmetrical arrangements. Such a pair of  wings is referred as the wing plane or simply a plane.

(B) Types Of The Main Planes and Their Positions


       Fixed-wing aircraft can be of many types:-

       (1) Monoplane:- The  wing may be positioned relative to the fuselage. It is a type of one                                                     wing plane 
             (a) Low Wing:-   Positioned near or below the fuselage.

          (b) High Wing:-   Positioned on the upper part of the fuselage.  Sling TSi High Wing is the                           example of it.

             (c) Mid Wing:-   It is approximately positioned at the mid of the fuselage.

            (d) Shoulder Wing:-   It is positioned on the upper part of the fuselage but a little below the top                      of the fuselage.

          (e) Parasol Wing:-   In the type of configuration the wing is clearly raised above the fuselage, by                 the struts, or pedestal.


        (2)  Biplane :-  In it  two wing planes of similar size are positioned above over one                           another and due to this configuration it has some high strongness  and  it was most common                      at that time.

                 (a) Busemann Biplane:-    It is a type of supersonic wing configuration, in which shock                                waves between the wing planes interfere to reduce their energy and wave drag.

              (b) Unequal-Span Biplane:-   In this type of biplane usually the lower wing is shorter than                         the upper one.

           (c) Sesquiplane:-   In this type of plane the lower wing is significantly shorter than the upper                                               one.
                                         For Example: Nieuport 17 of World War 1.


           (3) Triplane:- This  is  a type of plane in which three planes are stacked over  one                          another. This was very popular during the time of First World War but later soon it was                            replaced by the new upgraded planes. And  apart from triplane there are also Quadruplane, Multiple and Staggered wing type planes.

This topic isn't completed...............  so keep patience and  wait  for the second blog on the same  topic. I'll be  here as soon as possible. And  I'll try to make every blog very clear, neat, informative, short and very interesting while reading. Thank You so much to everyone who will visit my site............

By Devanshu Saini


  1. Ur blog is very informative....I really liked it...😊😊

    1. Ohh reallly, thats a very joyable thing for me. BTW thanks

  2. Very informative... It seemed a bit of too short to me.. Otherwise its very nice

    1. Okk sir ji, next time I'll try to fulfill the same requirements. BTW thank uhh so much sir ji.

  3. Nice 👍. It's really helpful.

    1. Thanks buddy, really it means a lot to me. Really appreciable.


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